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An algorithm for a digital audio format to simulate improvisations in recorded music

Authors : Ghose, D.

Publisher :2014 International Conference on the IMpact of E-Technology on US, IMPETUS 2014

Synthesis, characterization, and comparative study of CdSe-TiO2 nanowires and CdSe-TiO2 nanoparticles

Authors : Nikhil, A., Thomas, D.A., Amulya, S., Mohan Raj, S., Dr. Duraisamy Kumaresan

Publisher :Solar Energy

An enhanced MapReduce framework for solving protein folding problem using a parallel genetic algorithm

Authors : Narayanan, AG Hari, Krishnakumar, U, Judy, MV

Publisher :ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India-Vol I

Histogram based deterministic digital background calibration for pipelined ADCs

Authors : Ravi, C., Rahul, T., Sahoo, B.

Publisher :27th International Conference on VLSI Design, VLSID 2014 - Held Concurrently with 13th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design

Vision-based hexagonal image processing using Hex-Gabor

Authors : S. Veni, Narayanankutty, K. A.

Publisher :Signal, Image and Video Processing

Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for the Fault Diagnosis of Mono Block Centrifugal Pump Using Vibration Signals

Authors : Dr. Sakthivel N.R., Dr. Binoy B. Nair, Dr. Elangovan M., V. Sugumaran, S. Saravanamurugan

Publisher :Engineering Science and Technology

S-matrix-based unified calculation of Q-values and half-lives of α-decay of super heavy elements

Authors : Prema, P.a, Dr. Mahadevan S., Shastry, C.S.a, Gambhir, Y.K.b

Publisher :International Journal of Modern Physics E

Personalised Tourism Mobile Application using Semantic Web

Authors : Rukmani, Kartik, Sridhar, Mohammed, Refath, Sailusha, Reddy, F., Hussain, Archanaa R.

Publisher :International Journal of Software and Web Sciences

Vulnerability Analysis and Security System for NFC Enabled Mobile Phones

Authors : S., Kavya, K., Pavithra, Sujitha, Vahini, N. ,Harini

Publisher :International Journal of Scientific Technology Research

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