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Cointegration Among the Stock Markets of India, USA and Japan

Authors : A. Senthil Kumar

Publisher :International Journal of Economic Research

A Comparative Study of Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods for Sentiment Classification on Movie Data Set

Authors : Chakshu Ahuja, E. Sivasankar, C. Selvi

Publisher :Intelligent Computing and Applications

Enhanced sentiment analysis of informal textual communication in social media by considering objective words and intensifiers

Authors : Jasmine Bhaskar, Sruthi, K, Prof. Prema Nedungadi

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE).

Raw Material Preheating by a Novel Energy Recycling Method in Metal Casting, with the Application of Design of Experiments and Regression Analysis (Accepted)

Authors : Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Selvaraj J., Prakash Marimuthu K., Ramachandran K. I.

Publisher :Journal of Cleaner Production

Influence of Nickel and Silicon Addition on the Deuterium Siting and Mobility in fcc Mg-Ti Hydride Studied with 2H MAS NMR

Authors : Dr. Thirugnasambandam G. Manivasagam, Magusin, Pieter C. M. M., Iliksu, Merve, Notten, Peter H. L.

Publisher :The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Chatter Control in Shaping Process Using Dynamic Vibration Absorber

Authors : S. Saravanamurugan

Publisher :International conference on advances in design and manufacturing, ICAD&M-2014,

Challenges in Edge Extraction of Dental X-Ray Images Using Image Processing Algorithms – A Review

Authors : Gayathri V., Hema P Menon

Publisher :(IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies

Design, Simulation and fabrication of Microfluidic Channels for Lab-on-a-Chip applications

Authors : Aarathi Pradeep, Jeethu Raveendran, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :International Conference on Biomaterials-2014

Activated Screen Printed Electrode For Highly Sensitive Ascorbic Acid Sensing

Authors : Sethu Parvathy, T. S., Dhara Keerthy, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :International Conference on Biomaterials-2014

Graphene based Interconnect Modelling

Authors : Sengupta Sujoy, Aravind Dev S R, Richardson Vimal, Someeshwar, Sundari, B. Bala Tripura

Publisher :International Conference on Innovations In Electrical, Electronics, Information Communication Technology (ICIEEICT)

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