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Isolation of chemical constituents from Spilanthes calva DC: Toxicity, anthelmintic efficacy and in silico studies

Authors : P. Jayaraj, Bijo Mathew, C. Mani, R. Govindarajan Source:

Publisher :Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition

Plant secondary metabolites- potent inhibitors of monoamine oxidase isoforms.

Authors : Bijo Mathew, Suresh, Jerad, Mathew, Githa E, Parasuraman, Ramamoorthy, Abdulla, Nalakathu

Publisher :Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem

Isolation and molecular recognization of 6-prenyl apigenin towards MAO-A as the active principle of seeds of Achyranthes aspera

Authors : Shoban Janet Beula, V. Bhaskar Anada Raj, Bijo Mathew

Publisher :Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition

Isolation of a bioactive flavonoid from Spilanthes calva D.C. in vitro xanthine oxidase assay and in silico study

Authors : P. Jayaraj, Bijo Mathew, B. Parimaladevi, V. Alex Ramani, R. Govindarajan

Publisher :Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition

Heteroaryl chalcones: Mini review about their therapeutic voyage

Authors : Bijo Mathew, Jerad Suresh, Sockalingam Anbazghagan, Jayaraj Paulraj, Girish K. Krishnan

Publisher :Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition

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