Authors : Jeena Kleenankandy
Publisher :2014 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications
Authors : Dr. Sravan Kumar; , Acharya, S;, Pentapati, K C
Publisher :Eur Arch Paediatr Dent
Authors : Acharya, Shashidha, Pentapati, Kalyana, Dr. Sravan Kumar
Publisher :Global journal of medicine and public health
Authors : Dr. Saiprabha V. N
Publisher :American Journal of Pharmtech Research
Authors : Krishna Das MS, Jyoti Harindran
Publisher :Biomedicine & Aging Pathology
Publisher :Changing Water Cycle: Annual Meeting
Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.
Publisher :Kerala University
Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.
Publisher :N.S.S. College, Kottiyam