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Variable speed wind turbine emulator

Authors : A. Suyampulingam, N. Nandhini, Swetha, R, Ramya, R, Nandini, C

Publisher :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering (ICETREE 2014

Efficient Channel Allocation Schemes for Cognitive Radio Networks

Authors : Dr. Sita Devi Bharatula

Publisher :International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research

Modelling And Control Of Hybrid Photovoltaic / Fuel Cell Power System In Distributed Grid Environment

Authors : Dr. M. Venkateshkumar

Publisher :International Conference On Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Control And Prevention

Low Quiescent Current High Performance Capacitor-Free LDO Regulator with Optimal Power using CMOS Multi-Threshold Transistor

Authors : Dr. M. Sivasundar

Publisher :International Conference on Trends in Technology for Convergence in AVS Engineering College, Salem in association with University of Oulu

An Improved Authentication Scheme for One-Time Password Using Colour QR Codes

Authors : M Aishwarya, K Vaishnavi,, Sai, R Sukanya, C Aiswariya, M Senthilkumar, N Harini

Publisher :Elsevier

Low Quiescent Current High Performance Capacitor-free LDO Regulator with Optimal Power using CMOS Multi-threshold Transistors

Authors : Sivasundar, M, Krithiga, S

Publisher :International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research

Predicting Performance In The Presence Of Software And Hardware Resource Bottlenecks

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Rupinder Virk, Manoj Nambiar

Publisher :Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS),

Automatically Determining Load Test Duration Using Confidence Intervals

Authors : R Mansharamani, Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, A Nehete

Publisher :CMG India Proceedings.

Design and Implementation of Series Connected FACTS Devices for Enhancing Power system Oscillation Damping

Publisher :Proc. of the International Conference on Computing, Communication and Energy Systems

Supramolecular curcumin-barium prodrugs for formulating with ceramic particles.

Authors : Dr. Kaladhar Kamalasanan, Anupriya, Deepa, M K, Sharma, Chandra P

Publisher :Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, Volume 122, p.301-308

Electrochemical Sensing of Phenytoin by Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide

Authors : Prem Anandh, Rangarajan, M., Kothurkar, N

Publisher :Indian Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry,The Royal Society of Chemistry

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