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Impact of Life skill education on adjustment problem among adolescence

Authors : Vivek S , Veena Suresh

Publisher :5th international conference on life skill education

Methodology of Standard Cell Library Design in .LIB Format

Authors : Arindam Sadhu; , Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee

Publisher :Journal of VLSI Design Tool & Technology,

VLSI Transistor and Interconnect Scaling Overview

Authors : Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee;, Arindam Sadhu

Publisher :Journal of Electronic Design Technology

Performance Estimation of VLSI Design

Authors : Arindam Sadhu; , Arindam Sadhu; , Sabnam Koley, Sabnam Koley, Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee; , Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee;

Publisher :Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology

Characterization of Ternary Quantum dot cellular Automata for III-V Materials

Authors : Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee,, Arijit Dey,, Mallika De, Das, K, Debashis De,

Publisher :National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NS&NT-2014)

Effect of differential heat treatment on the formability of aluminium tailor welded blanks

Authors : Dr. Govindaraj M., Bhanodaya Kiran Nadikudi, Dr M Joseph Davidson, Rao A., Balasubramanian K

Publisher :Materials and Design,

Projected Clustering with Subset Selection

Authors : Dr. M. R. Kaimal, Anoop S. Babu;

Publisher :IEEE Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014), IEEE

Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation and Heat Treatment on Toughness of Magnesium Alloys

Authors : Dr. Govindaraj M, K. Balasubramanian, Uday Chackingal, K. Prasad Rao

Publisher :Procedia Materials Science

Influence of Cold Rolling and Annealing on the Tensile Properties of Aluminum 7075 Alloy

Authors : Dr. Govindaraj M, A.C. Umamaheshwer Rao, V. Vasu, K.V. Sai Srinadh

Publisher :Procedia Materials Science

Predicting students performance on intelligent tutoring system Personalized clustered BKT Model

Authors : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Remya, M.s

Publisher :44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (IEEE Xplore)

Enterprise Resource Planning: Fundamentals of Design and Implementation (Management for Professionals)

Authors : Dr. Anbuudayasankar S. P., P. Sivakumar, Sanjay Mohapatra;, K. Ganesh

Publisher :Springer (2014)

TCAD Modeling Of Rear Surface Passivation in Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cell

Authors : Dr. A. V. Ramachandran

Publisher :WCPEC-6, Kyoto

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