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Experimental Investigations on Tensile Strength of Flux Bounded TIG Welds of AA 2219-T87 Aluminum Alloy

Authors : A.V.Santhana Babu, P.K.Giridharan, P Ramesh Narayanan, SVS Narayana Murty , VMJ Sharma

Publisher :World Scientific Publishing Company

Improving broadcast efficiency of irresponsible forwarding with random linear coding at source

Authors : Manoj Kumar Panda;, Trung Hoang; , Hai Le Vu

Publisher :Proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks 2014

Effect of Nanomodified Polyester Resin on Hybrid Sandwich Laminates

Authors : NRR. Anbusagar, P.K Giridharan, K Palanikuma

Publisher :Elsevier Publication

A CAGD+CFD integrated optimization model for design of AUVs

Authors : Vasudev K.L, R. Sharma, S.K. Bhattacharyya

Publisher :In proceedings: IEEE/MTS conference OCEANS

A multi-objective optimization design framework integrated with CFD for the design of AUVs using NSGA-II

Authors : Vasudev K. L, R. Sharma , S.K. Bhattacharyya

Publisher :Journal of Methods in Oceanography

Study of Cutting force and Surface Roughness in machining of Al alloy Hybrid Composite and Optimized using Response Surface Methodology

Authors : K Venkatesan, R Ramanujam, J Joel, P Jeyapandiarajan,, Vignesh M, Darsh Jiten Tolia, R Venkata Krishna

Publisher :Elsevier

STATCOM-Based Wind-Solar-Hydro Electric Power System with Modified Real and Reactive Power Controls

Authors : Dr. J. Ramprabhakar, ; Ragavan, K.

Publisher :International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems

Control of a biped robot with flexible foot on an uneven terrain

Authors : Dr. Sreeja Kochuvila; , Tripathi, Shikha;, Sudarshan, T S B

Publisher :7th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, IEEE,

Flexible foot system for a biped robot

Authors : Dr. Sreeja Kochuvila,, C. Nimisha, , Sudarshan, T. S. B., Nagaraja S. R.

Publisher :International Conference on Circuits, Communication, Control and Computing

Thermal Analysis And Microstructure Changes During Friction Stir Surfacing Of Various Ferrous And Non Ferrous Alloy

Authors : Mohammed Shariq, Madhulika Srivastava, Rupam Tripathi, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, Pedro Vilaca

Publisher :National Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineerin

Performance of new dynamic benefit-weighted scheduling scheme in DiffServ networks

Authors : Dr. Navin Kumar;, Sharma, Reema; , Talabattula, Srinivas

Publisher :2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE

High-Frequency High-Voltage Power Supply for Ozone Generator System

Authors : Dr. Rashmi M. R, G.Udhayakumar, K. Patel, G.P. Ramesh, Suresh A

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

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