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Design and Development and Analysis of Forming Tool for Side Panel Of an Automobile

Publisher :International Conference on Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering

Wear Rate Behavior of As-cast and Heat Treated Hybrid Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites

Authors : Balasubramanya HS, J Sharana Basavaraja, S Srinivas, Ravi Kumar V

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Waste Segregation System using Automatic Garbage Bin

Authors : B. N. Prashanth, R. Pramod

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology

Mathematical Analysis on E-Glass Fiber and Silicon Carbide Reinforced Aluminum2618 Hybrid Composite

Publisher :International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering

Artificila Neural Networks For Predicting the Tribological Behavior of Al7075-SiC Metal Matrix Composites

Publisher :International conference on Advances In Engineering and Technology

Investigation of Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Electroplated High Strength Aluminum 7075, T6 Alloy

Publisher :International Conference on Advances In Engineering and Technology

Experimental Investigation on Red mud Based Geopolymer Mortars

Publisher :International conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure

Study of performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with waste cooking oil biodiesel

Publisher :International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering

Study and Analysis of Composite Elbow subjected to Internal Pressure

Publisher :International conference on Polymer Composites

Waste heat recovery by thermo-electric generation

Publisher :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering

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