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Plant Antifreeze Proteins

Authors : Dhivya S

Study of Device Physics in Impact Ionisation MOSFET Using Synopsys TCAD Tools

Authors : A S Shruthi, A M Archna, M Ponni, Pukhraj Vaya

Publisher :ICAECC

JI.FI: Visual test and debug queries for hard real-time

Authors : E. Blanton, D. Lessa, L. Ziarek, P. Arora, B. Jayaraman

Publisher :Wiley

Synthesis of 2-anilinopyridine dimers as microtubule targeting and apoptosis inducing agents

Authors : Kamal, A, Hussaini, S. A., Nayak, V. L, Malik, M. S, Sucharitha, M. L, Shaik, T. B, Ashraf, M, Bagul, C

Publisher :Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry

Synthesis of β-carboline– benzimidazole conjugates using lanthanum nitrate as a catalyst and their biological evaluation

Authors : Kamal, A, Rao, M. N, Swapna, P, Srinivasulu, V, Bagul, C., Shaik, A. B, Mullagiri, K, Kovvuri, J, Reddy, V. S, Vidyasagar, a. K

Publisher :Organic & biomolecular chemistry

Synthesis and biological evaluation of new epalrestat analogues as aldose reductase inhibitors (ARIs).

Authors : Reddy, T. N, Ravinder, M, Bagul, P, Ravikanti, K., Bagul, C., Nanubolu, J. B, Srinivas, K, Banerjee, S. K, Rao, V. J.

Publisher :European journal of medicinal chemistry

Synthesis of imidazothiadiazole–benzimidazole conjugates as mitochondrial apoptosis inducers

Authors : Kamal, A, Ponnampalli, S, Vishnuvardhan, M, Rao, M. N, Mullagiri, K, Nayak, V. L, Bagul, C

Publisher :MedChemComm

Design and Synthesis of C3‐Pyrazole/Chalcone‐Linked Beta‐Carboline Hybrids: Antitopoisomerase I, DNA‐Interactive, and Apoptosis‐Inducing Anticancer Agents

Authors : Kamal, A, Srinivasulu, V, Nayak, V. L, Sathish, M, Shankaraiah, N, Bagul, C, Reddy, N. S, Rangaraj, N, Nagesh, N

Publisher :ChemMedChem

Guanidium appended molecular transporters, an alternative platform for targeted delivery of anticancer drugs

Authors : Jyothi B Nair, Santhi Maniganda, Vandana Sankar, Saswat Mohapatra, Raghu KG, Surajit Ghosh, Kaustabh Kumar Maiti

Publisher :National Symposium on Transcending Frontiers in Organic Chemistry

Chebulagic acid from Terminalia chebula enhances insulin mediated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via PPARγ signaling pathway

Authors : Shyni GL, Kavitha S, Indu S, Arya A, Anusree SS, Vineetha VP, Vandana S, Sundaresan A , Raghu KG

Publisher :Biofactors

A lysosome-targeted drug delivery system based on sorbitol backbone towards efficient cancer therapy†

Authors : Maniganda S , Sankar V , Nair JB, Raghu KG , Maiti KK

Publisher :KK Org Biomol Chem

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