Authors : V Sangeetha, , V Vinothini, R Suganya, R Rajaprabha, C Bagavathi
Publisher :IJNTEC
Authors : Bagavathi C , Brindha R
Publisher :IJMSET
Authors : Madan Mohan K, Bagavathi C , Shalini K
Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Authors : Remyakrishnan.P., UdayBabu, Priya.C.G., Visakh R
Publisher :NTECC
Authors : RemyaKrishnan.P, Tripti C
Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science
Authors : Aravind Madhavan , Rajeev K Sukumaran
Publisher :Poster presented in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology 2014 held at Jawaharlal Nehru University
Authors : Sukumaran RK, Madhavan A, Rajasree KP, Mathew A
Publisher :National Symposium on Bioenergy for Sustainable Development – The potential role of sugar crops
Authors : Aravind Madhavan, Sukumaran RK
Publisher :Bioresource Technology
Authors : RemyaKrishnan.P, Tripti C
Publisher :Springer AISC
Authors : Lavanya Mooram, S. Sunita
Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
Authors : J. Uma, V. Ramasamy, A. Kaleeswaran
Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
Authors : Elezabeth M Koshy, Neethu Chakrathara Mohanan, Siby Joseph, Gireesh Kumar KP
Publisher :Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and health sciences