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The use of armed forces on merchant vessels without strict rules for the use of force

Authors : Vijayan, S.a b

Publisher :Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce

Hyaluronic Acid-based Conjugates for Tumor-targeted Drug Delivery and Imaging

Authors : Saravanakumar, G., Deepagan, V.G., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Park, J.H.

Publisher :Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Acampomelic Form of Campomelic Dysplasia with SOX9 Missense Mutation

Authors : Gopakumar, H.a, Superti-Furga, A.b, Unger, S.c, Scherer, G.d, Rajiv, P.K.e, Nampoothiri, S.f

Publisher :Indian Journal of Pediatrics

Prenatal diagnosis of isolated interrupted inferior vena cava with azygos continuation to superior vena cava

Authors : Giang, D.T., Rajeesh, G., Vaidyanathan, B.

Publisher :Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

Revisiting cutaneous metastasis from carcinoma gall bladder

Authors : Jose, W.a, Boyella, P.a, Nair, I.b, Eapen, M.b, Keechilat, P.a

Publisher :Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology

Transtracheal lidocaine: An alternative to intraoperative propofol infusion when muscle relaxants are not used

Authors : Rajan, S., Puthenveettil, N., Paul, J.

Publisher :Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology

Carbohydrate-based Nanogels as Drug and Gene Delivery Systems

Authors : Uthaman, S., Maya, S., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Cho, C.-S., Park, I.-K.

Publisher :Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

A High Performance Hybrid Algorithm for Text Classification

Authors : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, H. Harikumar, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh

Publisher :Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conference.

Low cost tablets as disruptive educational innovation: modeling its diffusion within Indian K12 system

Authors : Raghu Raman, H. Vachhrajani, Dr. Avinash Shivdas, Prof. Prema Nedungadi

Publisher :2014 IEEE Innovations in Technology Conference .

Serious games based approach to cyber security concept learning: Indian context

Authors : Raghu Raman, A. Lal, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :International Conference on Green Computing Communication and Electrical Engineering (ICGCCEE) .

Framework for evaluating Capture the Flag (CTF) security competitions

Authors : Raghu Raman, S. Sunny, V. Pavithran, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :International Conference for Convergence of Technology (I2CT)

Modeling diffusion of programming contests, Implications for undergraduate CS education

Authors : Raman, R., Vachhrajani, H.

Publisher :IEEE International Technology Management Conference

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