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Advantages of chitin-based nanobiomaterials in nanomedicine

Authors : Sowmya S, Jayakumar R., Shantikumar V Nair

Publisher :Marine Biomaterials: Characterization, Isolation and Applications

Chromoblastomycosis in a renal allograft recipient

Authors : Sooraj, Y.S.a, Nainan, G.K.b, Eapen, M.c, Immanuel, A.J.b, Pillai, R.R.b

Publisher :Indian Journal of Nephrology

Chitosan-hyaluronan/nano chondroitin sulfate ternary composite sponges for medical use

Authors : Anisha, B.S., Sankar, D., Mohandas, A., Chennazhi, K.P., Nair, S.V., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Carbohydrate Polymers

Tamil Verb Conjugation Using Data Driven Approach

Authors : Dhanalakshmi, V., Anand Kumar, M., Soman, K. P.

Publisher :Tamil Verb Conjugation Using Data Driven Approach

Morphology based prototype statistical machine translation system for English to Tamil language

Authors : Anand Kumar, M., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Morphology based prototype statistical machine translation system for English to Tamil language

An Adaptive Energy Management Scheme for Real-time Landslide Detection

Authors : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, P Rekha, Divya P., Simi Surendran

Publisher :IEEE Xplore

Adaptive Energy Management System and Method for Real Time Landslide Detection

Authors : Maneesha V. Ramesh, Rekha Prabha

Publisher :U.S. Patent 5075/CHE/20132013.

A Generic, Plug-and-Play Architecture for Indoor Information Systems

Authors : Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian

Publisher :NSDI 2013

An experimental study on application of orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm for image denoising

Authors : M. Suchithra, Sukanya, P., Prabha, P., O.K. Sikha, Sowmya V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :2013 IEEE International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing, iMac4s 2013

Challenges Faced by Women in workplace

Authors : Dr. Geetha Senthilkumar

Publisher :DHRUTI International Conference of Women in Computing

Active Clamp Zero Voltage Switching Multiple Output Flyback Converter with Voltage Doubler

Authors : Dr. K. Deepa, Kurian, Sanitha Mary, Vijaya, Kumar M

Publisher :International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)

Cetuximab Conjugated O-carboxymethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles for Targeting EGFR Overexpressing Cancer Cells

Authors : Maya, S., Maya, S., Kumar, L.G., Kumar, L.G., Sarmento, B., Sarmento, B., Sanoj Rejinold, N., Sanoj Rejinold, N., Menon, D., Nair, S.V, Menon, D., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Nair, S.V, Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Carbohydrate Polymers

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