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Hepatic Steatosis: Clinico-Pathological and Radiological Correlation Study as an Aid To Selecting Living Donor Grafts

Authors : Dr. Sudhindran S., R. N. Menon, Balakrishnan, D, Unnikrishnan, G, Saraf, V, Sudheer, O. , Dhar, P.

Publisher :Liver transplantation

Correlation between postoperative liver function tests and short term (<1 year) mortality following living donor liver transplantation

Authors : Dr. Sudhindran S., Preetham H.S, Ismail Siyad K.H, Harikumar R.Nair, Narayanan V.A

Publisher :Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hepatology

Block co-polymer of Epoxy resin and Poly(trimethylene terephthalate):Preparation, characterization and properties

Authors : Sarathchandran, S Thomas, R Shanks

Publisher :Proceedings - 37th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials MeetingAt: Wagga Wagga, NSW

Plasma Exchange Transfusion for Management of Altered Heparin Responsiveness Before Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Gadhinglajkar, Shrinivas, Sreedhar, Rupa, Pal, Soumendu

Publisher :Elsevier

False diagnosis of acute Type A dissection

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Menon MU

Publisher :Ann Cardiac Anaesth

A small step in the right direction

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma

Publisher :Ann Card Anaesth

Adaptive Demand Management System

Authors : Lekshmi R. R., Dr. Balamurugan S.

Publisher :X National Conference on Control Instrumentation System Conference

Accelerating Encryption/Decryption of AES Algorithms using GPUs

Authors : Sanjanasri, Keerthana S

Publisher :International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research

Bhagavata Mela and Ancient Temple Theater Forms in South India

Authors : Bharatam R.; , Mahalingam; , Murali Rangarajan

Publisher :Melattur Bhagavata Mela Natya Natak Trust

Perinephric abscess due to Achromobacter xylosoxidans following de-roofing of renal cyst

Authors : Vivek Vinod, Kalavampara V Sanjeevan, Kavitha R Dinesh, Shamsul Karim

Publisher :Surgical Infections,

Reliable Transport in Delay Tolerant Networks

Authors : Manoj Kumar Panda, Arshad Ali, Eitan Altman, Tijani Chahed, Lucile Sassatelli

Publisher :Routing in Opportunistic Networks, Springer New York

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