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Design and Implementation of User Interactive Wireless Smart Home Energy Management System

Authors : Arya Devi R. D., Subeesh, TS, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh

Publisher :Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013 International Conference .

Moving towards Zero-Waste: A Case-Study from Kerala, India

Authors : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, Dr. Smitha Chandran S.

Publisher :IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, South Asia Satellite Conference, Trivandrum, India

Nanocomposites from chlorobutyl rubber for advanced applications

Authors : Saritha.A

Publisher :National Conference on Recent trends in Material Science Technology

Rubber composites with enhanced EMI Sheilding

Authors : Sreedha Sambhudevan, Saritha.A,

Publisher :Conference on Recent trends in Material Science Technology

Brain metastases in women with epithelial ovarian cancer: multimodal treatment including surgery or gamma-knife radiation is associated with prolonged survival

Authors : Niu, Xiaoyu, Rajanbabu, Anupama, Delisle, Megan, Peng, Feng, Vijaykumar, Dehannathuparambil K, Pavithran, Keechilattu, Feng, Yukuan, Lau, Susie, Gotlieb, Walter H, Press, Joshua Z

X-Ray Shielding performance of modified Gadolinium oxide based natural rubber composites

Authors : Sreedha Sambhudevan, Saritha.A,

Publisher :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences VIT University

High Solid Anaerobic Digestion for the recovery of Energy from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid waste

Authors : Lakshmi S. Kumar, Dr. Smitha Chandran S.

Publisher :The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences

Globalization, New media and Subversive Cinematic Language An Analysis of Kaushik Mukherjee’s (Q) Gandu”

Authors : Vimal Krishnan

Publisher :UGC Sponsored National Seminar Creativity in the Era of Globalization

A Neutrosophic Cognitive Map Based Approach for the Prediction of Severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors : M.R.Bivin, M.V.Judy, B.Ramadoss

Publisher :International conference on Bioinformatics (IFIP)

The impact of a dedicated multidisciplinary, comprehensive care team on patient perceptions and quality of life in chronic pancreatitis

Authors : Balakrishnan, V, Gopalakrishna, R, Radhakrishnan, L, Balasundaram, C

Publisher :Amrita Journal of Medicine

Trimodality treatment in muscle invasive bladder cancer –What is the current status?

Authors : Beena k,, Vishnu Rajan Nambiar, Makuny Dinesh

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