Authors : Dr. Padmavathi S., N. Archana
Publisher :International Conference On Recent Trends In Computer Science And Engineering ICRTCSE – 2012
Authors : Jeevitha Kandasamy, Dr. Padmavathi S.
Publisher :ICRTCSE
Authors : Dr. Padmavathi S., B. Priya Lakshmi
Publisher :ICRTCSE
Authors : Krishnan, Sajitha, Dr. Venkataraman D.
Publisher :AIRCC
Authors : K. Kannan, C. Arunkumar, Dr. Padmavathi S.
Publisher :NCSCN’12
Authors : P Satishkumar, Dr. Padmavathi S., Binnu Rohit Krishnan
Publisher :NCETCAM’12
Authors : Suresh, M.S., Prof. M. Padmanabhan
Publisher :Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Authors : Valarmathi, ML, Dr. Senthil Kumar M., Valarmathi, ML
Publisher :International Journal of Computer Applications
Authors : Dr. Radhika N., Ambikadevi, Amma, Pramod, V.R., Dr. Radhika N.
Publisher :International journal of computer applications in engineering services
Authors : Dr. K. N. Meera, B. Sooryanarayana
Publisher :sciencepress ltd
Authors : Ambikadevi, Amma, N. Radhika, Pramod, V.R.
Publisher :Karpagam research congress