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Biodiversity at Risk: Import as an Environmental Policy

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo

Publisher :ISDRC

Effects of long term ethanol consumption mediated oxidative stress on neovessel generation in liver

Authors : Das, S.K, ,, Swarnava Mukherjee, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan

Publisher :Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods

Studies On Organic Bulk Heterojunction Devices For Photovoltaic Solar Cell Applications

Authors : Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Publisher :Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Synthesis and Antioxigenic Activities of Seabuckthorn and analogs flavones-3- ols

Authors : Pandurangan Nanjan, Chinchu Bose, Dr. Asoke Banerji

Publisher :Baselius College

Regiospecific Synthesis and Comparative Radical Scavenging Activities of Flavones and Flavonols

Authors : Pandurangan Nanjan, Dr. Asoke Banerji

Publisher :International Conference on Biotechnology for Innovative Applications

Adhesion Characteristic of High Temperature Resistant Polymer

Authors : Iqbal, HMS, Shantanu Bhowmik, Bhatnagar, N, Mondal, S, S, Ahamed

Publisher :Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology

Scientific Re-establishment of Rujakara Marma using Algometer (with Reference to Pain threshold points)

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., R. K. Hibare, M. K. Shringi

Publisher :LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Solving Economic Load Dispatch problems using Differential Evolution with Opposition Based Learning

Authors : P. Surekha, S. Sumathi

Publisher :WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications

An Integrated GA-ABC optimization technique to solve unit commitment and economic dispatch problems

Authors : P. Surekha, S. Sumathi

Publisher :Asian Journal of Scientific Research

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