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On the radical bundle of a Lie algebra bundle

Authors : Kiranagi, B.S.a, Prema, G.b, Ranjitha, K.a

Publisher :Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society

Object detection and tracking in video using particle filter

Authors : Kumar, T.S.a, Sivanandam, S.N.b

Publisher :ICCCNT

Adsvm: Pre-processor plug-in using support vector machine algorithm for snort

Authors : George, A.a, Poornachandran, P.b, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Blind signal separation of harmonic voltages in non-linear loads

Authors : P. Supriya, Padmanabhan Nambiar, T.N.

Publisher :Journal of Electrical Systems

Highly reversible capacity nanocomposite anode for secondary lithium-ion batteries

Authors : Rai, Alok Kumar, Jinsub, Lim, Vinod, Mathew, Jihyeon, Gim, Jungwon, Kang, Baboo, Joseph Paul, Donghan, Kim, Seungho, Ahn, Saheum, Kim, Kyunyoung, Ahn, Jaekook, Kim

Publisher :Electrochemistry Communications

Foot care practice – The key to prevent diabetic foot ulcers in India

Authors : Chellan, G.a, Srikumar, S.a, Varma, A.K.a, Mangalanandan, T.S.a, Sundaram, K.R.b, Jayakumar, R.V.a, Bal, A.a, Kumar, H.a

Publisher :Foot

A distortion free relational database watermarking using patch work method

Authors : Arun, R., Praveen, K., Chandra Bose, D., Nath, H.V.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

HOPE: An electronic gadget for home-bound patients and elders

Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Unnikrishnan, D.K.M., Radhakrishnan, V., Jacob, D.C.

Publisher :INDICON 2012

Re-architecture of Database Software Stack with Planner Module for Query Optimization in a cloud Environment

Authors : Kandasamy, K., Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Effect of cooling time on the vapor liquid solid based growth of gold-catalyzed bismuth nanorods

Authors : Susant Kumar Acharya, Rai, Alok Kumar, Gil-Sung Kim, Jung-Hwan Hyung, Byung-Guk Ahn, Sang-Kwon Lee

Publisher :Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Actin-based motility of Listeria: Right-handed helical trajectories

Authors : M. Rangarajan

Publisher :AIP Publishing

Lean manufacturing practices in textile industries–a case study

Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., P Raghuram, N Vamsi

Publisher :Inderscience Publishers

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