Authors : Das, R. N., Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh
Publisher :Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Authors : Park, H.a, Bernitsas, M.M.a b, Ajith Kumar, R.b c
Publisher :Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Authors : Rekha, R.U.a, M Anand Kumar, Dhanalakshmi, V.a, Soman, K.P.a, Rajendran, S.b
Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Authors : Khan, Samiya Nazeer, Joseph, Siby
Publisher :Int J Pharm Bio Sci
Authors : Keerthana, S.a, Dhanalakshmi, V.b, M Anand Kumar, Ajith, V.P.a, Soman, K.P.a
Publisher :Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering,
Authors : S Aswathy, Quereshi, Mariya Amin, Kurian, Beteena, Leelamoni, K
Publisher :The Indian journal of medical research, Medknow Publications
Authors : Kumar, S.a c, Kunhiraman, D.S.b, Rajam, L.a
Publisher :Pediatric Rheumatology
Authors : K. Ilango, Dr. Manjula G. Nair, Manitha P. V
Publisher :ICSET-12