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Low power scheduled alarm system using embedded microcontroller with USB interface

Authors : Dr. Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu, Sreenivasa Mallia, S., Harikrishnan, R., Krishnan, A., Sruthi, B.

Publisher :ICETECT

A novel pre-distortion type adaptive channel equalisation technique for SISO systems

Authors : Mohan, A., Mishra, A., Karthik, M., Padma, N., Prashanth, G., Deepa, R.

Publisher :ICETECT

Performance of possible combinations of detection schemes with V-BLAST for MIMO OFDM systems

Authors : Deepa, R., Iswarya, S., Shri, G.D., Keshav, P.M., Jaganyavasan, P., Murugan, S.S.

Publisher :ICECT 2011 - 2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology

Studies of Heat Transfer for Water-diesel Two-phase System in a Spiral Heat Exchanger

Authors : Sathiyan, S., Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Ramachandran, S.

Publisher :Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly

SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase, Rad60, and Nse2 SUMO ligase suppress spontaneous Top1-mediated DNA damage and genome instability

Authors : Heideker, J.a, Prudden, J.a, Perry, J.J.P.a b, Tainer, J.A.a c, Boddy, M.N.a

Publisher :PLoS Genetics

Discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithms for minimising the completion-time variance of jobs in flowshops

Authors : K. Rameshkumar, Rajendran, C.b, Mohanasundaram, K.M.c

Publisher :International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Local field potential modeling predicts dense activation in cerebellar granule cells clusters under LTP and LTD control

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Lombardo, P., Solinas, S., Naldi, G., D'Angelo, E.

Publisher :PLoS ONE

Design and analysis of low power open core protocol compliant interface using VHDL

Authors : Dr. Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu, Deepthy, G.R., Vidhya, S., Nisha, V.

Publisher :ICETECT

Hanging liver tumor.

Authors : Pavithran, K., Sudhindran, S.

Publisher :Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD

Analysis of Algebraic Attack on TRIVIUM and Minute Modification to TRIVIUM

Authors : Raj, Ashji S., Dr. Srinivasan C.

Publisher :Advances in Network Security and Applications: 4th International Conference, CNSA 2011, Chennai, India, July 15-17, 2011

Decline in arterial partial pressure of oxygen after exercise: A surrogate marker of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease in patients with atrial septal defect and severe pulmonary hypertension

Authors : Laksmivenkateshiah, S.a, Singhi, A.K.a, Vaidyanathan, B.a, Francis, E.a, Karimassery, S.R.b, Kumar, R.K.a c

Publisher :Cardiology in the Young

Water Absorption Bhavior of PALF/GF Hybrid PolyesterComposites

Authors : Devi, L.U., Bhagawan, S.S., Nair, K.C.M., S. Thomas

Publisher :Polymer Composites

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