Authors : Indira, V.a, Vasanthakumari, R.b, Dr. Sakthivel N.R., Sugumaran, V.d
Publisher :Expert Systems with Applications
Authors : Senthil Kumar, T., Pankajan, V.S., Dora, B.A., Tarun, E.V.L.N., Varun, E.V.S.R., Chakravarthi, N.V.S.
Publisher :ICETECT
Authors : B.A. Sabarish, Sashirekha, K.
Publisher :ICETECT
Authors : Kumar, S.a c, Rajam, L.b
Publisher :Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Authors : Tamura, H., Furuike, T., Nair, S.V., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy
Publisher :Carbohydrate Polymers
Authors : Deepa, R.a, Baskaran, K.b
Publisher :European Journal of Scientific Research
Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Nair, R.N., Prakhya, S.M., Mohan, M.
Publisher :ICECT 2011 - 2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology
Authors : Prudden, J.a, Perry, J.J.P.a b, Nie, M.a, Vashisht, A.A.c, Arvai, A.S.a, Hitomi, C.a, Guenther, G.a, Wohlschlegel, J.A.c, Tainer, J.A.a d, Boddy, M.N.a
Publisher :Molecular and Cellular Biology
Authors : Sudheesh Kumar, P.T., Srinivasan, S., Lakshmanan, V.-K., Tamura, H., Nair, S.V., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy
Publisher :Carbohydrate Polymers
Authors : Umadethan, B.
Publisher :Journal of South India Medicolegal Association
Authors : Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan
Authors : Dr. Bala Tripura Sundari B.
Publisher :IMECS 2011 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011