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Adult presentation of congenital ectopic vas deferens insertion into ureter with unilateral renal agenesis

Authors : Sukumar, S., Khanna, V., Nair, Balagopal

Publisher :Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

VLSI Implementation of Asynchronous CDMA using Matched Filter

Authors : Savitha Manojna.D, SriSakthi.S, Ramesh S. R.

Publisher :International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence

Compact Slot Antenna for UWB Application and Band-Notch Design

Authors : Dr. Natarajamani S., Behera.S.K, Patra.S.K

Publisher :IEEE 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and computer networks

Co-purified gelatinases alter the stability and biological activities of human plasma fibronectin preparations

Authors : Dr. Sanjay Pal, Chen, Z, Xu, X, Mikhailova, M, Steffensen, B

Publisher :Wiley Online Library

Collagen Binding Site Residues are Key to MMP-2 Enzymatic Activities

Authors : Mikhailova M, Xu X, Dr. Sanjay Pal, Steffensen B

Publisher :28th Annual Dental Science Symposium, UTHSCSA and Cancer Development and Progression Program Retreat, San Antonio

Bidirectional Communication using Delay Coupled Chaotic Directly Modulated Semiconductor Lasers

Authors : Krishna, Bindu M, John, Manu P, Dr. V . M. Nandakumaran

Publisher :Springer

Building a WordNet for Dravidian Languages

Authors : Rajendran, S, Shivapratap, G, Dhanlakshmi, V, Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Indian Institute of Technology

English to Tamil Machine Translation System

Authors : Dr. Soman K. P., Menon, AG

Publisher :Chemmozhi Maanaadu

Effect of Non-Coding RNA on Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing of Alzheimer Disease

Authors : Gopakumar, Deepa, Arun Mohan, Radhagayathri, KU, Varun Gopal, Vasavi, CS, Premkumar, P, P. K. Krishnan Namboori, Ramachandran, K.I.

Publisher :Nature Precedings

Designing a Drug Additive Against Antibiotic Resistant Gram- positive Bacteria

Authors : Aghila, V, Lainu, KL, Arun Mohan, Radhagayathri, KU, Varun Gopal, K, Krishnan, NPK, Gopakumar, Deepa

Publisher :International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research

Computational Bio-Mems Analysis of Molecular Motors as Targets for Cancer Therapy

Authors : Varun Gopal K, K.U.Radhagayathri, Vasavi C.S,, Bharath Parimalam, Sabarish Narayanan B., P. Krishnan Namboori

Publisher :ELECTRON - Technical Report of Department of ECE, Special Issue, Second National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing

Computational Modeling of Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP)

Authors : Abhayalakshmi, MB, Anjali, AE, Anjali, AE, Prinu Narayanan, Vrinda Hainsanka, Krishnan, NPK

Publisher :National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing

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