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The potential of aqueous and isolated fraction from leaves of Cassia fistula Linn as antibacterial agent

Authors : Vasudevan, Deepa, Dinesh, Kavitha, Gopalakrishnan, S, Sreekanth, S, Sekhar, Sonal

Publisher :International Journal of Chemical Sciences

Performance and Scalability Analysis of Differential Evolution Variants on a Suite of High Dimensional Benchmark Functions

Authors : Dr. Jeyakumar G., Dr. Shunmuga Velayutham C.

Publisher :“Mathematical and Computational Models – Recent Trends”

Occurrence of high levels of cadmium, mercury and lead in medicinal plants of India

Authors : Vasudevan, Deepa, Dinesh, Kavitha, Gopalakrishnan, S

Publisher :Pharmacognosy Magazine

Performance Analysis of Edge Detection Methods on Hexagonal Sampling Grid

Authors : Vidya, P, S. Veni, Narayanankutty, KA

Publisher :International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research

Object recognition and obstacle avoidance robot

Authors : Dr. Karthi Balasubramanian, R. Arunkumar, J. Jayachandran, V. Jayapal, B. A. Chundatt, J. D. Freeman

Publisher :IEEE

The nuts and bolts of pediatric cardiac care for the economically challenged

Authors : Kumar, R.

Publisher :Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

PathMapper-an Integrative Approach for Oncogene Pathway Identification

Authors : Asha Vijayan, Bessey Elen Skariah, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Gerald H Lushington, Shabarinath Subramaniam, Mahesh Visvanathan

Publisher :IEEE

Overview of Information Technology Tools for Supply Chain Management

Authors : Prashant R. Nair, Venkitaswamy Raju, S P Anbuudayashankar

Publisher :CSI Communications

Nuclear magnetic resonance mapping and functional confirmation of the collagen binding sites of matrix metalloproteinase-2

Authors : Xu, Xiaoping, Mikhailova, Margarita, Ilangovan, Udayar, Chen, Zhihua, Yu, Agnes, Dr. Sanjay Pal, Hinck, Andrew P, Steffensen, Bjorn

Publisher :ACS Publications

Studies on Physical & Tribological Properties of Al6061-SiC Composites

Authors : G.B., Veeresh Kumar, Selvaraj, N., Bhagyashekar, M.S., C.S.P., Rao

Publisher :International Conference and Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technologies (Team Tech 2009)

A novel technique for english font recognition using support vector machines

Authors : Dr. Ramanathan R., Thaneshwaran, L., Viknesh, V., Arunkumar, T., Yuvaraj, P., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :ARTCom 2009 - International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing

A novel signal processing method for the measurement of venous refilling time

Authors : Dr. Madhu Mohan N., L. Mariappan, V. Jagadeesh Kumar

Publisher :2009 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

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