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Challenges in using Watershedding in Segmentation of Medical images

Authors : B. Sakthi Arumugam, B. Uma Maheswari, Dr. Kumar Rajamani

Publisher :National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking (NACIPAN ’09)

Area Minimization in DSP Application based High speed arithmetic circuits

Authors : Paramasivam C.

Publisher :Proceedings on Second International conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP)

Catheter closure of atrial septal defects with deficient inferior vena cava rim under transesophageal echo guidance

Authors : Remadevi, K.S., Francis, E., Kumar, R.K.

Publisher :Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions

CFD Modelling for Parametric Investigation of Flow Through the Inlet Valve of a Four – Stroke Engine

Authors : Dr. Thirumalini S., C.Lakshmikanthan, S.Dhandapani

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

An Approach to Study the Influence of Fish Abundance in Relation to Temperature using GIS- A Case Study on Aliyar River

Authors : Dr. Geetha Srikanth, Sowmya V., Vipin V., K. P. Soman

Publisher :10th ESRI India User International Conference

APC sensitive gastric acid secretion

Authors : Rotte, Anand, Bhandaru, Madhuri, Föller, Michael, Dr. Raja Biswas, Mack, Andreas F, Friedrich, Bjoern, Rexhepaj, Rexhep, Nasir, Omaima, Ackermann, Teresa F, Boini, Krishna M

Publisher :Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry

Antiphase to Inphase Transition in Coupled Nd:YAG Lasers

Authors : VM Nandakumaran, M. R. Parvathy, Bindu M Krishna, Manu P John

Publisher :Narosa Publishing House

Case Report – Prosthetic rehabilitation of facial defect with silicone prosthesis

Authors : Manju V., Anil Mathew

Publisher :Kerala Dental Journal

Antimicrobial activity of various extracts of Justicia tranqurbariensis

Authors : Dr. S. Sathianarayanan, A.Saravanakumar, Lima Trisa Baby, Suja Abraham

Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology

Prospects of Semi-Conductor Industry – With reference to India

Authors : Dr. R. G. Priyaadharshini

Publisher :“Udyog Pragati”

An ANN Controlled Three-Phase Auto-Tuned Passive Filter for Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation

Authors : MR, Sindhu, Dr. Manjula G. Nair, Nambiar, TNP

Publisher :Journal of Power Electronics

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