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matK – A barcode for the plant family Zingiberaceae

Authors : Dhivya S

Publisher :the National Seminar on Plants and Herbal Medicine

Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast matK gene from Zingiberaceae for plant DNA barcoding

Authors : Selvaraj D, Sarma RK, Sathishkumar R.

Publisher :Bioinformation

An Ayurvedic antihypertensive formulation attenuates negative inotropic response of rat papillary muscle to reactive oxygen species

Authors : Sankar V, Nair RR, Fernandez AC, Krishna Kumar CS , Madhavachandran V

Publisher :Biomedicine

Web Based ERP Model for Product Requirement Planning

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Agent based ground ight control using type-2 fuzzy logic and hybrid ant colony optimization to a dynamic environment

Authors : Poornaselvan, K. J., , Gireesh Kumar, T, Vijayan, V. P

Publisher :Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2008. ICETET'08. First International Conference on (pp. 343-348). IEEE.

An algorithm for k-error joint linear complexity of binary multi-sequences

Authors : M. Sethumadhavan , , M. Sindhu , , Chungath Srinivasan , , C. Kavitha

Publisher :Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography

A Phase 3, open-label, non-comparative study of tigecycline in the treatment of patients with selected serious infections due to resistant Gram-negative organisms including Enterobacter species, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Authors : Vasilev, Krasimir, Reshedko, Galina, Orasan, Remus, Sanchez, Miguel, Teras, Juri, Babinchak, Tim, Dukart, Gary, Cooper, Angel, Dartois, Nathalie, Gandjini, Hassan, Orrico, Russ, Ellis-Grosse, Evelyn

Publisher :J Antimicrob Chemother,

Transmitral endocavitary repair of inferior left ventricular pseudoaneurysm: A simplified approach in patients requiring concomitant mitral valve surgery

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Sinha, Pranava, Korach, Amit, Shapira, Oz M

Publisher :The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, Mosby,

Perioperative issues due to long-standing lung collapse during repair of a large ascending aortic aneurysm.

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Neema, Praveen Kuma, Manikandan, Sethuraman, Rathod, Ramesh Chandra

Publisher :Ann Card Anaesth,

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