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Support Vector Machine based Fault Diagnosis of Rotational Mechanical Systems

Authors : Dr. Saimurugan M., Ramachandran,K.I, Sugumaran, V

Publisher :International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering

Sustainable energy from renewable biological resources: The case of sugarcane bagasse

Authors : Shyam Nath, Shyam Nath

Publisher :Workshop on energy efficiency, sustainability and societal change

Three-Tier Electricity Market Model for Restructuring Indian Power Sector

Authors : Kanakasabapathy, P., Swarup, K Shanti

Publisher :International Conference on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimisation (PSACO-2008)

Structural Basis of Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Mediated by the T-Cell Essential Vav1

Authors : Chrencik, J.E.a, Brooun, A.a, Zhang, H.b, Mathews, I.I.c, Hura, G.L.d, Foster, S.A.a, Perry, J.J.P.d e, Streiff, M.f, Ramage, P.g, Widmer, H.g, Bokoch, G.M.b, Tainer, J.A.d h, Weckbecker, G.f, Kuhn, P.a

Publisher :Journal of Molecular Biology

Study of alpha decay of super heavy elements using s-matrix and wkb methods

Authors : Prema, P.a, Dr. Mahadevan S., Shastry, C.S.a, Bhagwat, A.b c, Gambhir, Y.K.d e

Publisher :International Journal of Modern Physics E

Study of Variation in Process Parameters and Supply Voltage in Various CMOS Technologies

Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam

Publisher :SCOReD 2008 Conference Proceedings. University Teknologi,

Spreading and Receding Processes of Impacting Liquid Drops on Grooved Surfaces

Authors : Dr. R. Kannan, Deivandren, Sivakumar

Publisher :22nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS2008),

Structural Studies of Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes with a Chiral Schiff Base

Authors : Cherian Mathew, Varghese Oommen, Dave, LD, Krishnan, NPK

Publisher :Indian Journal of Chemistry

Storage characteristics of large cardamom {Amomum subulatum Roxb) and seeds in different packages

Authors : G Sulochanamma, K Ramalakshmi, Dr. T. M. Mohan Kumar, AR Indiramma, BS Ramesh, SR Sampathu, J Pura Naik

Publisher :Journal of Food Science and Technology, Springer India,

A shared growth story of economic success: The Case of Mauritius

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo, Shyam Nath

Publisher :The Political Economy of African Economic Growth

Sly disease: Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII

Authors : Nampoothiri, S.a d, Mahesh, K.b, Hiran, K.R.c, Sunitha, V.a

Publisher :Indian Pediatrics

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