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Simulation optimization in a Kanban Controlled Flowshop

Authors : Krishna Kumar P., Rameshkumar K, A. Sumesh

Publisher :ORSI – 2008/TIRUPATHI, 2008.

Evaluation of Dynamic Error of Coordinate Measuring Machine

Authors : Dr. M. Ramu,, Ashok Ponram, Prasad, H.,

Publisher :National Conference on Quality and Reliability in Aerospace Technologies.

Infusion chemotherapy with cisplatinum and fluorouracil in the treatment of locally-advanced and metastatic gallbladder cancer

Authors : Chatni, S.a b, Sainani, R.a, Mehta, S.a, Mohandas, K.a

Publisher :Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Influence of Mixed Field Radiation and Gamma Radiation on Nano Adhesive Bonding of HP Polymer

Authors : Shantanu Bhowmik, Benedictusa, R, Poulisa, JA, Boninb, HW, Buib, VT

Publisher :Journal of Polymer Engineering

Computational modeling of extracellular local field potentials predicts activation patterns and plasticity in the cerebellar circuit

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, G. Naldi, E. D’Angelo

Publisher :GRC Sensory Coding and Natural Environment Conference at Barga, Italy.

Current views on antidotal therapy in managing cases of poisoning and overdose

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher :Journal of Association of Physicians of India,

Cseh, J. 47 Csiky, B. 47 Davidovitz, A. 210 Djukanović, L. 307 Donato, V. 330

Authors : Abdel Hamid, SG, Abdulle, AM, Abouchacra, S, Abraham, G, Agyemang, C, Ajdačić, M, Aleksandrowicz, E, Arena, A, Arendshorst, WJ, Avram, D, Dr. Raja Biswas

Publisher :Kidney Blood Press Res

Crystal engineering in cobaloximes: Lamellar, pillared, tubular and helical assemblies assisted by C-H…O, C-H…Cl and C-H…pi interactions

Authors : Dr. Yamuna R.

Publisher :International symposium on Structural bioinformatics: Structure and functions of macromolecules (BIOFEST-08)

Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithm

Authors : Balaji, Nikhil, Nithin Nagaraj

Publisher :arXiv preprint arXiv:0801.0276

Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Encryption Algorithm

Authors : Nikhil Balaji, Nithin Nagaraj

Publisher :National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics

Cronkhite Canada syndrome

Authors : Rajesh, G., Gajendra, O., Siyad, I., Geetha M., Bohari, H., Narayanan, V.A.

Publisher :Journal of Association of Physicians of India

Control of Nanostructures in PVA, PVA/chitosan Blends and PCL through Electrospinning

Authors : Sajeev, U.S., Anand, K.A., ; Dr. Deepthy Menon, Shantikumar V Nair

Publisher :Bulletin of Materials Science

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