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Regulatory potential for concerted modulation of Nrf2- and Nfkb1-mediated gene expression in inflammation and carcinogenesis

Authors : Nair, S.a d, Doh, S.T.b, Chan, J.Y.c, Kong, A.-N.a, Cai, L.b

Publisher :British Journal of Cancer

Role of cytokines and insulin resistance in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Authors : Das, SK, Mukherjee, S, Pandey, G, Varadhan, S, Dhanya, L, Balakrishnan, V, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan


Genetic approaches towards overcoming water deficit in plants – special emphasis on LEAs

Authors : Khurana, Paramjit, Dr. Dalia Vishnudasan, Chhibbar, Anju K.

Publisher :Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants

Fuzzy Based Controller for Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Plant

Authors : Dr. Balamurugan S., Xavier, R Joseph, Jeyakumar, A Ebenezer

Publisher :Journal of Electrical Engineering

Further results on set-valued graphs

Authors : Germina, KA, K. Abhishek, Princy, KL

Publisher :Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography

A Framework for Secure and Efficient Mobile IP Registration

Authors : Dr. Senthil Kumar M., B. S. Karthik, S. Rathi

Publisher :Proceedings of National Conference on Innovations in Information Technology

FPGA Realization of Activation Function for Artificial Neural Networks

Authors : Saichand, V.a, Dr. Nirmala Devi M., Arumugam, S.c, N Mohankumar

Publisher :IEEE

Progress and Incidence of Buerger’s Disease in Bangalore

Authors : Sonal Sekhar, Dennis Thomas, N. K. Meera, Raju B. Koneri, Pratap Balakrishna

Publisher :The Internet Journal of Epidemiology

Permanental Mates: Perturbations and Hwang’s conjecture

Authors : Maria Arulraj, S.a, Dr. Somasundaram K.

Publisher :Applied Mathematics Letters

Novel Technique for Designing a Planar Antenna for Broadband applications

Authors : Dr. Ramanathan R.

Publisher :NCESCOM 08

Electro Chemical Properties of Carbon Nanoparticles Entrapped in a Silica Matrix

Authors : Dr. T. Rajagopalan, S.Bok, A.A.Lubguban, Y.Gao, S.Bhattacharya, V.Korampally, M.Hossain

Publisher :Journal ofthe ElectrochemicalSociety

Mania in a patient with Wilson’s disease awaiting liver transplant

Authors : Varghese, S.T.a, Narayanan, D.a, Dinesh, D.b

Publisher :Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

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