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Azole, amine, benzoate and nitrate compound mixture as VPI for metals in NaCl and SO2 environments

Authors : N Poongothai, Natesan, M, Palanisamy, N, Murugavel, SC, T. Ramachandran

Publisher :Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

Bacteria-derived peptidoglycans constitute pathogen-associated molecular patterns triggering innate immunity in Arabidopsis

Authors : Gust, Andrea A, Dr. Raja Biswas, Lenz, Heike D, Rauhut, Thomas, Ranf, Stefanie, Kemmerling, Birgit, Götz, Friedrich, Glawischnig, Erich, Lee, Justin, Felix, Georg

Publisher :Journal of Biological Chemistry

Azole, amine and nitrite as vapour phase corrosion inhibitors of metals in NaCl & SO2 environment

Authors : N Poongothai, M. Natesan, N. Palanisamy, S. C. Murugavel, T. Ramachandran

Publisher :Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

Biochemistry: JP’s Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series

Authors : Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, S Sreekumari

Publisher :1st ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,

On attributes of a Rotating Neutron star with a Hyperon core

Authors : Jha, T, Moshra, Hiranmaya, V. Sreekanth

Publisher :Physical Review C

Auditory-based wavelet packet filterbank for speech recognition using neural network

Authors : Gandhiraj R., P.S. Sathidevi

Publisher :Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2007

Automatic rule learning using decision tree for fuzzy classifier in fault diagnosis of roller bearing

Authors : Sugumaran, V, Dr. K. I. Ramachandran

Publisher :Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

On the application of two Gauss–Legendre quadrature rules for composite numerical integration over a tetrahedral region

Authors : Rathod, HT, Venkatesudu, B, Nagaraja, KV

Publisher :Applied mathematics and computation

On the application of two symmetric Gauss Legendre quadrature rules for composite numerical integration over a triangular surface

Authors : Rathod, HT, Nagaraja, KV, Venkatesudu, B

Publisher :Applied mathematics and computation

Aid Motivation and Donor Behavior

Authors : NATH, SHYAM, Sobhee, Sanjeev K

Publisher :American Review of Political Economy

Amminjappaal amruthinu thulyam- anrticle on breast feeding

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Mathrubhumi Arogya masika

Aeroelastic Analysis of a Helicopter Rotor Blade Including Dynamic Stall and Dynamic Wake Effects

Authors : Dr. Laxman Vaitla, Venkatesan C.

Publisher :International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics

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