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Estimating the Budgetary Impact of Higher Willingness to Pay for Residential Water Using CVM: A Case Study of Mauritius

Authors : Yeti NishaMadhoo

Publisher :Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution

Enhanced strategy for separating human plasma fibronectin from MMPs by affinity chromatography

Authors : Dr. Sanjay Pal, Chen Z, Xu X, Mikhailova M, Klebe RJ, Steffensen B

Publisher :The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Special Poster Session

Effects of Ethanol Consumption on Different Organs, a Brief Overview

Authors : Subir Das, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan

Publisher :Asian Journal of Biochemistry

Electrical bistability in zinc oxide nanoparticle-polymer composites

Authors : Pradhan, Basudev, Majee, Swarup K, Batabyal Sudip Kumar, Pal, Amlan J

Publisher :Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology

An Energy Efficient Selective Placement Scheme for Set-Associative Data Cache in Embedded System.

Authors : Raveendran, Biju K, Sudarshan, TSB, Patil, Avinash, Randive, Komal B, Gurunarayanan, S

Publisher :ESA

Effect of withaferin, a radiosensitizer, on the erythrocyte antioxidants in carcinoma of uterine cervix

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Reshma, K, Rao, A.V., Dinesh, M

Publisher :Biomedical Research

Effect of Alcohol on Brain: A Brief Overview

Authors : Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, Subir Das

Publisher :SFRR India Bulletin

Effect of barium chloride doping on PVA microstructure: positron annihilation study

Authors : Bhajantri, R.F., Ravindrachary, V., Harisha, A., Ranganathaiah, C., G.N. Kumaraswamy

Publisher :Applied Physics A

Effect of lecithin with vitamin-b complex and tocopheryl acetate on long term effect of ethanol induced immunomodulatory activities

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Das, S.K, Gupta, G, Rao, D.N

Publisher :Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

Dual Slope Resistance to Digital Converter

Authors : Dr. Madhu Mohan N., George, B., Kumar, V.J.

Publisher :IEEE

A Dynamical Systems Approach to Source Compression for Constrained Sources

Authors : Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Rajesh Sundaresan

Publisher :Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives

Development of High Performance Polymeric Nano Composite for Space Radiation Shielding

Authors : Kim, CJ, Shantanu Bhowmik, Benedictus, R

Publisher :Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena V: Fluid, Thermal, Biological, Materials and Space Sciences

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