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Recent developments in relativistic mean field theory

Authors : S. K. Patra, B. K. Sharma, P. Arumugam, M. Centelles, X. Viñas

Publisher :Allied Publisher

Reaction cross-sections for light nuclei on 12C using relativistic mean field formalism

Authors : B. K. Sharma, S. K. Patra, Raj K. Gupta, A. Shukla, P. Arumugam, P. D. Stevenson, W. Greiner

Publisher :J. Phys.

Clustering in superheavy nuclei within the relativistic mean field approach

Authors : B. K. Sharma, P. Arumugam, S. K. Patra, , P. D. Stevenson, Raj K. Gupta, W. Greiner

Publisher :J. Phys. G

Decrease of the spin-orbit interaction in drip-line nuclei, using relativistic mean field models

Authors : M. S. Mehta, B. K. Sharma, Raj K. Gupta, S. K. Patra, W. Greiner

Publisher :Int. J. Mod. Phys.

Comparative studies of Half Width Calculations Using S-Matrix and WKB Methods

Authors : S Mahadevan, P. Prema, C. S. Shastry

Publisher :Proceedings of the DAE-SNP

Comparative Study of Half width Calculations using S-Matrix and WKB methods

Authors : S Mahadevan, P. Prema, C. S. Shastry

Publisher :Phys. Rev. C

Analysis of 16O+28Si elastic scattering in the laboratory energy range 50.0MeVa. 2.5MeV

Authors : S K Agarwalla, G S Mallick, P Prema, S Mahadevan, B Sahu , C S Shastry

Publisher :J.Phys.G;Nucl.Part.Phys

A novel architecture for modified Algebraic Code book search

Authors : N.Ramadass, G.M.A. Ibrahim, S.Natarajan, J.Raja Paul Perinbam

Publisher :IEEE

Reconfigurable architecture for Algebraic codebook search

Authors : N.Ramadass, G.M.A. Ibrahim, S.Natarajan , J.Raja Paul Perinbam

Partially Reconfigurable (Self Modifiable) architecture using 8 bit CPU in FPGA

Authors : N.Ramadass, S.Natarajan, S.G.VijayaKumari, J.Raja Paul Perinbam

A Non-Volatile Mixed-Signal Data Storage Cell for use in Reconfigurable Mixed-Signal System on Chip

Authors : S.Natarajan, N.Ramadass, Y.V.Ramana Rao, J.Raja Paul Perinbam

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