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Long-term Follow-up of Mitral Valve Replacement in Children

Authors : Harikrishnan, M. S, Nair, K, Krishnamoorthy, KM, Tharakan, JA, Dr. Praveen Varma, Dora, SK, Harikrishnan, S, Titus, T, Ajithkumar, VK, Sivasankaran, S, Rajeev, E, Namboodiri, KKN, Neelakandhan, KS

Publisher :Indian Heart J.

Presence of shock wave like structures in pedestrian motion

Authors : Barhai P.K, Dr. Rakesh S. G, G. Jagadeesh

Publisher :ISSW24(International Symposium on Shockwaves)

Aortic root replacement—The “Chitra” experience

Authors : Duara, Rajnish, Sarma, Apurba, Dr. Praveen Varma, Unnikrishnan, Madathipat, Kumar, R, Neelakandhan, KS

Publisher :Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Gauss Legendre quadrature over a triangle

Authors : Dr. B. Venkatesh

Publisher :Acharya Nagarjuna International Journal of Mathematics & Information Technology

Gabor filter based block energy analysis for text extraction from digital document images

Authors : Sabari Raju, S, Peeta Basa Pati, Ramakrishnan, A.G.

Publisher :First International Workshop on Document Image Analysis for Libraries

Gabor filters for document analysis in Indian bilingual documents

Authors : Peeta Basa Pati, Sabari Raju, S, Pati, N, Ramakrishnan, A.G.

Publisher :International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing

Characterization of Abnormal Hemoglobins

Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.

Publisher :Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry

A MRF Based Segmentatiom Approach to Classification Using Dempster Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery

Authors : Sarkar, A, Banerjee, N., Pramod P. Nair, Banerjee, A., Brahma, S., Kartikeyan, B,

Publisher :Springer Berlin Heidelberg,

k-out-of-n-system with repair: The Max (N, T) Policy

Authors : Dr. Usha Kumari P. V., Dr. Usha Kumari P. V., Krishnamoorthy, A, Krishnamoorthy, A

Publisher :Elsevier

Techniques for Secure Communication in Emerging Wireless Ubiquitous Networks

Authors : Dr. Rajathilagam B., Dr. P. Venkat Rangan, Jayaraj

Publisher :The International conference on High Power Computing (HiPC)

A Fast Algorithm for Calculating the Dual Gabor Window with Integer Oversampling

Authors : N. K. Subbanna, Y. C. Eldar

Publisher :Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, Herziliya, Israel (IEEEI 2004).

Efficient Gabor expansion using non minimal dual Gabor windows

Authors : N. K. Subbanna, Y. C. Eldar

Publisher :Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, Tel-Aviv, Israel (ICECS 2004)

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