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Right-sided laparaoscopic donor nephrectomy is feasible: Experience with three cases

Authors : K.V. Sanjeevan, H.S. Bhat, Dr. Sudhindran S.

Publisher :Transplantation Proceedings

Fatal post-operative gastro intestinal hemorrhage because of angio-dysplasia of small intestine in aortic regurgitation

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Venkatraman Radhakrishnan, Vishnupuri, Misra, Manoranjan, Sankaran Neelakandhan, Kurur, Vishnupuri

Publisher :Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Ascending aortic coarctation with mitral regurgitation-surgical outcome—A case report

Authors : Shyamkrishnan, KG, Dr. Praveen Varma, Neelakandhan, KS, Tharakan, JM

Partial atrioventricular canal defect with cor triatriatum sinister: report of three cases

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Warrier, Girish, Ramachandran, Padmakumar, Neema, Praveen Kumar, Manohar, Soman Rema Krishna, Titus, Thomas, Neelakandhan, Kurur Sankaran

Publisher :Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Cortriatriatum Sinister – Profile of 10 Cases.

Authors : Rajeev, E, Harikrishnan S, Dr. Praveen Varma, Nair, K., Namboodiri, KKN, Dora, SK, Krishnamoorthy, KM, Sivasankaran, S, Kumar, A, Titus, T, Tharakan, JA, Mukundan, C.

Publisher :Indian Heart J.

Initial experience with laparoscopic donor nephrectomies

Authors : Dr. Sudhindran S, K.V. Sanjeevan, C.S.M. Saheed, H.S. Bhat

Publisher :Transplantation Proceedings

Long-Term Follow-up of Aortic Valve Replacement with Starr-Edwards Prosthesis

Authors : Nair, K., Dr. Praveen Varma, Krishnamoorthy, KM, Chandrabhanu, P, Dora, S. K, Edwin, F, Pradeep, KD, Harikrishnan, S., Sivasankaran, S., Ajithkumar, VK, Titus, T, Tharakan, JA, Neelakandhan, KS

Publisher :Indian Heart J

Incidental detection of tubular esophageal duplication in gastric cardia malignancy.

Authors : Mehta, Rajiv, Unnikrishnan, G, Sudheer, O V, John, Anil, Dhar, Puneet, Dr. Sudhindran S, Balakrishnan, V

Publisher :Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

Terminal hand-assist for laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Authors : H.S. Bhat, K.V. Sanjeevan, Dr. Sudhindran S.

Publisher :Transplantation Proceedings

Monitoring systemic donor lymphocyte macrochimerism to aid the diagnosis of graft-versus-host disease after liver transplantation.

Authors : Taylor, Anna L, Gibbs, Paul, Dr. Sudhindran S., Key, Tim, Goodman, Reyna S, Morgan, C Helen, Watson, Christopher J E, Delriviere, Luc, Alexander, Graeme J, Jamieson, Neville V, Bradley, J Andrew, Taylor, Craig J

Publisher :Transplantation

Effects of bamboo substrate and supplemental feeding on growth and production of hybrid red tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis mossambicus×Oreochromis niloticus)

Authors : M.C.J Verdegem, T.J Ramesh, P Keshavanath, B Gangadhar, A.A van Dam, T.J Ramesh, M.C.M Beveridge, A.A van Dam, M.C.J Verdegem, M.C.M Beveridge, M.C.J Verdegem

Publisher :Aquaculture

Laparoscopic simultaneous bilateral pretransplant nephrectomy for uncontrolled hypertension

Authors : K.V. Sanjeevan, H.S. Bhat, Dr. Sudhindran S.

Publisher :Transplantation Proceedings

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