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Clinical Profile and Early Outcomes after Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Pulmonary Embolism

Authors : Praveen G. Pai, Jyoti Kusnur, M. VijayaKumar, T. Rajesh, Prasanna Kumar, Mahesh Krishna Kumar, K. U. Natarajan, Prakash Kamath, B. V. Pai, K. K. Haridas

Publisher :IHJ

Experimental Investigations on a Microstrip Fed Compact Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna

Authors : S. Mridula, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Binu Paul, C. K. Aanandan, K.Vasudevan, P Mohanan, Bijumon, PV, M. T. Sebastian

Publisher :International Conference on Computers and Devices for communication (CODEC – 04), Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,

Experimental investigation into the effect of DC glow discharge pretreatment of HDPE on tensile lap shear strength

Authors : Shantanu Bhowmik, Chaki, TK, Ray, S, Hoffman, F, Dorn, L

Publisher :Elsevier

Charge trapping and electron mobility degradation in MOCVD hafnium silicate gate dielectric stack structures

Authors : Young, CD, Kerber, Andreas, Hou, TH, Cartier, Eduard, Brown, GA, Bersuker, G, Kim, Y, Lim, C, Gutt, J, Lysaght, P, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan

Publisher :2004

Chemical composition of the volatile oil from the pericarp (husk) of large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.)

Authors : Pura Naik, J, Jagan Mohan Rao, L, Dr. T. M. Mohan Kumar, S. R. Sampathu

Publisher :Flavour and Fragrance Journal,

Characterization Of Spent Media During Somatic Embryogenesis Of Sandalwood In Suspension Culture: Exploring Value Addition

Authors : Dr. Sanjay Pal, Das S, Mitra A, Dey S

Publisher :IUPAC International Conference on biodiversity and natural products: Chemistry and Medical Applications

Design of optimal fuzzy observer based on TS fuzzy model

Authors : P. P. Mohanlal, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :IEEE

Characteristics of a microstrip-excited high-permittivity rectangular dielectric resonator antenna

Authors : Mridula, S, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Mohanan, P, Bijumon, PV, Sebastian, MT

Publisher :Microwave and optical technology letters, Wiley Online Library,

Efficient, Low-complexity Image Coding with a Set-partitioning Embedded Block Coder

Authors : Pearlman, William A, Islam, Asad, Nithin Nagaraj, Said, Amir

Publisher :IEEE

Description and Counting of the Sandwich Sets in Transformation Semigroups.

Authors : Rjan, AR, Dr. Sreeja V. K.

Publisher :Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics

Design and implementation of STM-1 Cross-Connect

Authors : Nayagam, M.a, Bindu Madhavan, K.b

Publisher :Lyon-Villeurbanne

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