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Harnessing Light

Authors : V. M. Nandakumaran, K. R. Suresh Nair, P. Radhakrishnan, V. P. N. Nampoori

Publisher :Photonics

GURU: A Multimedia Distance-learning Framework for Users with Disabilities

Authors : Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian, Venkatasubramanian, Nalini

Publisher :ACM, New York,

Graph Theory

Authors : Mr. J. Suresh Kumar

Publisher :Goodwill Publications

Genetic algorithm optimization of fuzzy outputs for classification of epilepsy risk levels from EEG signals

Authors : Harikumar, R.a, Sukanesh, R.a, Bharathi, P.A.b

Publisher :IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON

CRM An Integral Element in Supply Chain Management

Authors : P Raghuram

Publisher :Government Engineering College, Thrissur

Creating Voids by Annealing a-SiC: O: H Films Prepared by Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition

Authors : Gangopadhyay, S, Lahlouh, B, Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Biswas, N, Mehta, N, Lubguban, JA

Publisher :APS March Meeting Abstracts

Extended dynamic fuzzy logic system (DFLS) based indirect stable adaptive control of non-linear systems

Authors : Dr. Oruganti Venkata Ramana Murthy, R.K.P. Bhatt, N. Ahmad

Publisher :Applied Soft Computing

Cost–benefit analysis of cleaning the Ganges: some emerging environment and development issues

Authors : MARKANDYA, A., Maddipati Narsimha Murty

Publisher :Cambridge University Press

Content-based image authentication scheme

Authors : Dr. Latha Parameswaran

Publisher :Proceedings of National Conference on Multimedia Technologies and Applications

Controller Area Network as a serial communication protocol

Authors : Krishnamoorthy, R.

Publisher :Lyon-Villeurbanne

Experimental study of etched back thermal oxide for optimization of the Si/high-k interface

Authors : Barnett, Joel, Moumen, N, Gutt, J, Gardner, M, Huffman, C, Majhi, P, Peterson, JJ, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Foran, B, Li, HJ, others

Publisher :2004 Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society

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