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Infrastructure development and the private sector: Options and opportunities

Authors : Makin, AJ, Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance

Influence of Different Electrodes of Low Pressure Plasma on Physicochemical and Adhesion Characteristics of High Density Poly Ethylene

Authors : Chaki, TK, Bui, VT, Bonin, HW, Shantanu Bhowmik

Publisher :7th International Conference in Structural Adhesives in Engineering

Impact of Environmental and Ownership Reforms on Profitability of Public Sector Enterprises

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G, Sarkar J.

Publisher :Indian School of Business

Income sources effects on inequality

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Journal of Development Economics

Gauss Legendre quadrature over a triangle

Authors : Rathod, H.T.a, Dr. K.V. Nagaraja, Venkatesudu, B.c, Ramesh, N.L.d

Publisher :Journal of the Indian Institute of Science

Fuzzy modeling and optimal control of nonlinear second order systems

Authors : P. P. Mohanlal, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :IEEE

A fuzzy approach to the 2 × 2 games and an analysis of the game of chicken

Authors : Raj Mathew, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, IOS Press

A Fuzzy Approach to Strategic Games Using Fuzzy Expected Value Models

Authors : Raj Mathew, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :Journal of Computer Society of India

Foreign Capital and Economic Growth

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul, Truong, C.

Publisher :Wiley Blackwell

FDTD analysis of a symmetric T-STRIP fed wideband rectangular microstrip antenna

Authors : Lethakumary,, Sreedevi,, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, C K, Aanandan, Kesavath, Vasudevan, Pezholil, Mohanan

Publisher :Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

Culture and heritage of Sikkim

Authors : Sudhakshina Bhattacharya

Publisher :Planning Commission of Sikkim, Sikkim

Family Relationship in Bernard Malamud’s Novel – The Assistant

Authors : Dr. Geetha Senthilkumar

Publisher :ST. Aloysius College, Mangalore

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