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Explaining Mauritian Growth

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo, Shyam Nath

Publisher :African Economic Research Consortium Workshop on Explaining African Economic Growth Performance, Nairobi (Kenya)

EOT scaling and device issues for high-k gate dielectrics

Authors : Gardner, Mark I, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Gutt, Jim, Peterson, Jeff, Li, Hong-Jyh, Huff, Howard R

Publisher :Gate Insulator, 2003. IWGI 2003. Extended Abstracts of International Workshop

The Effects of Public Infrastructure on the Cost Structure and Productivity in the Private Sector

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Economic Record, Australian Economic Society

The Effects of Public Infrastructure on Productivity Growth: What do the Data Say?

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul, Makin, T.

Publisher :Serials Publications

Automatic Isolation of Radial Feeders- A Laboratory Model

Authors : Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C., Sreedharan, S

Publisher :Proc. of National conference on Power Conversion and Industrial Controls, PCIC-2003

Divergence in English to Hindi Translation: Some Studies

Authors : Niladri Chatterjee, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher :International Journal of Translation

Development of Organizational Effectiveness Questionnaire

Authors : Dr. R. G. Priyaadharshini

Publisher :journal “Organizational Management”

Development and Characterization of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems for Diltiazem Hydrochloride

Authors : K Jain, S, Chourasia, Manish, Dr. Sabitha M., Jain, R, K Jain, A, Ashawat, Mahendra

Publisher :Drug delivery

Determination of vapour characteristics: Generated by High energy source

Authors : Jaya Mukherjee, P.V. Sunil Nag, V. Dileep Kumar, Debashis Karmakar, L.M. Gantayet

Publisher :IVSNS-2003

Determination of Optimum Weld Quality using DOE and FEA

Authors : Dr. Radhika N, C.Jagadessan, P.S.S.Srinivasan

Publisher :National Conference on “Quality Engineering and Management

Detection and extraction of endosulfan by metal nanoparticles

Authors : Sreekumaran Nair, A., Tom, R.T., Pradeep, T.

Publisher :Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Design Through Verilog HDL

Authors : Padmanabhan, T R, Dr. Bala Tripura Sundari B.

Publisher :IEEE and John Wiley & Sons

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