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ERCP induced pancreatitis

Publisher :Indian Academy of Gastroenterlogy conference at Chennai

A Study of clinical profile of Sputum Acid fast Bacilli positive cases

Publisher :58th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India, Varanasi

Complications seen in culture positive cases of Enteric fever

Publisher :58th Joint Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India, Varanasi

Methodological considerations in recording MMN in cochlear implant patients. Proceedings of the meeting

Publisher :Third international workshop on mismatch negativity and auditory functions and dysfunctions, Lyon, France

Evaluation of hearing thresholds in 3 month old cleft palate children: The basis for a selective policy for ventilation tube insertion at time of palate repair

Publisher :Proceedings of the meeting. 8th International symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Mismatch negativity in paediatric cochlear implant patients

Publisher :Proceedings of the meeting; 3rd meeting of British Society of Neurotology, London, September

Globus pharyngeus secondary to lingual tonsil hyperplasia: Treatment with KTP Laser vaporization

Publisher :CME Bulletin Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery

Fibrous variant of Rhinophyma

Publisher :Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery

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