Authors : Tripathi, Mrs Shikha, Jain, RC
Publisher :Citeseer
Authors : K. Achuthan, Sahota, K.
Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Marathe, Amit P
Authors : Bhakta, Jayendra D, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Hui, Angela
Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy
Publisher :Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha
Authors : Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Wang, X, Lahlouh, B, Ramkumar, C, Dutta, Partha, Gangopadhyay, S
Publisher :American Institute of Physics
Authors : Dr. Satya Paul, Mallik, G.
Publisher :Economic Analysis and Policy, Economic Society of Australia (Queensland)
Authors : Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Wang, X, Lahlouh, B, Ramkumar, C, Dutta, PS, Gangopadhyay, S
Publisher :J. Applied Physics
Authors : Bibhu Datta Sahoo, Parhi, Keshab K
Publisher :Springer
Authors : Dr. Shikha Tripathi, R. C. Jain, Glen Peres
Publisher :International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications
Authors : Dr. Anand K. B., K.Ramamurthy
Publisher :Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Authors : Dr. R. G. Priyaadharshini
Publisher :Prestige Journal of Management and Research