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Toxicology: The need for public awareness

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher :QPMPA J Med Sci

Interaction between Physisorbed Polymer Layers: Anisotropic Mean-Field Theory

Authors : Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Jimenez J, Rajagopalan R

Publisher :Chemistry at Interfaces, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)

Thermodynamics of Interacting ‘Solid’/’Liquid’ Interfaces: Polymer Layers

Authors : Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Rajagopalan R

Publisher :Chemistry at Interfaces, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)

Impact of NH/sub 3/ pre-treatment on the electrical and reliability characteristics of ultra thin hafnium silicate films prepared by re-oxidation method

Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, R. Choi, K. Onishi, R. Nieh, C. S. Kang, H. J. Cho, S. Krishnan, J. C. Lee

Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference

Impact of NH3 pre-treatment on the electrical and reliability characteristics of ultra thin hafnium silicate films prepared by re-oxidation method

Authors : Gopalan, S Choi, Onishi, R, Nieh, K, Kang, R, Cho, CS, Krishnan, H-J, S Lee, JC

Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest

Optimal Design of RCC Infilled Frames Using Artificial Neural Network

Authors : Dr. Mini K. M., Subramanian K.

Publisher :National Confce “Futuristic of concrete technology and optimal design of R.C.C Structures” 193-196

Novel Signal Conditioning Circuit for Push Pull Type Transducer

Authors : Dr. Madhu Mohan N.

Publisher :Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Nitrogen fixation in Lyngbya Sp under heavy metal stress

Authors : Vasundhara, G., Kurup, G.M., Dr. Jayashree G., Sethuraj, M. R., Kothandaraman, R.

Publisher :Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

A Multi-level modeling framework to assess the agility of manufacturing systems

Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., A. Subash Babu

Publisher :20th AIMTDR conference BITS Ranchi

A multilevel modeling framework to assess the agility in manufacturing systems

Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., A Subash Babu

Publisher :20th AIMTDR Conference Proceedings,

An Illfare Approach to the Measurement of Unemployment: A Reply.

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Applied Economics Letters

High quality MOSFETs fabrication with HfO/sub 2/ gate dielectric and tan gate electrode

Authors : Rino Choi, K. Onishi, Chang Scok Kang, Renee Nieh, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Hag-Ju Cho, S. Krishnan, J. C. Lee

Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference, IEEE

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