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Results on Permanents and Graphs

Authors : S. Maria Arul Raj, Dr. Somasundaram K.

Publisher :Mathematics Preprint Archive

Reductive amination of aliphatic carbonyls using low-valent titanium reagent: a convenient route to free primary amines

Authors : Rele, Shyam, Asoke Banerji, Talukdar, Sanjay

Publisher :Science Reviews 2000 Ltd

Process Optimization in Atomic Layer Deposition of High-K Oxides for Advanced gate Stack Engineering

Authors : Londergan, Ana R, Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan, Vu, Kim, Rassiga, Stefano, Hiznay, Ronald, Winkler, Jereld, Velasco, Hector, Matthysse, Lawrence, Seidel, Thomas E, Ang, CH, others

Publisher :Society for Solid State and Electrochemical Science and Technology

Process development, material analysis, and electrical characterization of ultra thin hafnium silicate films for alternative gate dielectric application

Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan

Publisher :ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.)--The University of Texas at Austin,

Position Coding System and Method

Authors : Dhavala, Somasekhar, Mukhopadhyay, Sudipta, Nithin Nagaraj, Wheeler, Frederick

Planar L-strip fed broadband microstrip antenna

Authors : Mridula, S., Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Lethakumary, B., Paul, Binu, Aanandan, C. K., Mohanan, P.

Publisher :Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

An Optimal Rule generation Scheme Using Genetic Algorithms for the Design of a Fuzzy Logic Controller

Authors : R. Rajesh, P. P. Mohanlal., Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher :Jl of System society of India

Phosphorus based epoxy terminated structural adhesive 2. Curing, adhesive strength and thermal stability

Authors : S. Bhuniya, Sukumar Maiti

Publisher :European Polymer Journal

A Systematic Adaptation Scheme for English-Hindi Example-Based Machine Translation

Authors : Chatterjee, N, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher :STRANS

Synthesis and electrical properties of Sb2Se3nanorod

Authors : Sudip Kumar, Batabyal, C., Basu, A. R., Das, G. S., Sanyal

Publisher :Annual DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAESSPS2002)

Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-containing Polyurethanes with Antibacterial Activity

Authors : Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Rajkumar, M., Nagendran, R., Nanjundan, S.

Publisher :Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Study of Similarity and its Measurement for English to Hindi EBMT

Authors : Chatterjee, N, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher :STRANS

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