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Evaluation and characterization of polyurethane chemical mechanical planarization polishing pads

Authors : Achuthan, Krishnashree

Publisher :Clarkson University

Effect of niobium doping on the microstructure and electrical properties of strontium titanate thin films for semiconductor memory application

Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Wong, Chun-Hui, Balu, Venkatasubramani, Lee, Jian-Hung, Han, Jeong H, Mohammedali, Razak, Lee, Jack C

Publisher :Applied physics letters, AIP

Effect of Mechanical Polishing on the Surface Modification of HDPE and PP by DC Glow Discharge and their Adhesive Joining to Steel

Authors : Sandipan Ray, Ghosh, PK, Shantanu Bhowmik

Publisher :International Symposium on Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion

Effect of N2O on the RF-magnetron Sputtered SrTiO3 Films for ULSI DRAM Application

Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, J. H. Han, V. Balu, J. H. Lee, R. Mohemmedali, C. H. Wong, J. C. Lee

Publisher :Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Colorado Springs

Dielectric connectors for multilayered RF integration

Authors : Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, A. Rydberg

Publisher :John Wiley & Sons

Effect of annealing rate on the crystallization process in Ge5Bi18Se77 films

Authors : Dr. T. Rajagopalan, G.B. Reddy

Publisher :Thin Solid Films

The cototal domination number of a graph

Authors : Kulli, VR, Janakiram, B, Radha R Iyer

Publisher :Taylor & Francis

Complexes of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Copper(II) with an Ambivalent Schiff Base Ligand

Authors : Dr. Amrita Thakur, Rai H C, Singh A S, Kumar Rajiv, Chaudhary S P

Publisher :Asian Journal of Chemistry

Comparative Experimental study of Supersonic Combustors

Authors : Dr. Srikrishnan A. R., Kurian,J., Sriramulu,V

Publisher :Comparative Experimental study of Supersonic Combustors XIV ISABE, Florence,Italy

Asymmetric distribution of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells

Authors : Nadler, Laurie S, Dr. Geetha Kumar, Hinds, Thomas R, Migeon, Jacques C, Nathanson, Neil M

Publisher :Am Physiological Soc

Animating Bird Flight Using Aerodynamics

Authors : Dr. Balajee Ramakrishnananda, Wong, K.C.

Publisher :Visual Computer

Agricultural growth and migration: In search of a new evidence

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi

Publisher :Gokhale Institute of Poliiics and Economics

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