Authors : Talukdar, Sanjay, Asoke Banerji
Publisher :Taylor & Francis
Authors : Achuthan, K, Curry, J, Lacy, M, Campbell, D, Babu, SV
Publisher :Springer-Verlag
Authors : Rollins, Derrick K, Cheng, Yisun, Dr. Sriram Devanathan
Publisher :Computers & chemical engineering,
Authors : Pillay V. V.
Publisher :J Forensic Med Toxicol
Authors : Shyam Nath
Publisher :University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
Authors : S. Vivekanandhan, T.C. Chawla, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, M.C. Maheswari
Publisher :Indian Medical Gazette
Authors : Dr. Srikrishnan A. R., Kurain, J., Sriramulu, V.
Publisher :American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Authors : Dr. Srikrishnan A. R., Kurien J., Sriramulu, V
Publisher :Journal of Combustion and Flame
Authors : Dr. Srikrishnan A. R., J. Kurian, V. Sriramulu
Publisher :Combustion and Flame
Authors : Pillay V. V.
Publisher :J Karnataka Medicolegal Soc
Authors : Pillay V. V., Uday Kumar K
Publisher :Med Sci Law
Authors : T. B. Patel, H .Sun, H. Poppleton, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, H. M. Rashed, Y. Yu
Publisher :Methods in Neurosci