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The Four-Port Bradoo Technique: An Alternative to the Modified Endoscopic Denker’s Approach for Giant JNA

Citation : Bradoo, R., Joshi, A., Shah, K. et al. The Four-Port Bradoo Technique: An Alternative to the Modifie ...

Publisher :Springer Link

Management of Difficult Laryngeal Exposure During Suspension Microlaryngoscopy

Citation : Joshi, A.A., Velecharla, M.S., Patel, T.S. et al. Management of Difficult Laryngeal Exposure During ...

Publisher :SpringerLink

An overview on the pharmacological activities of Urena Lobata

Citation : Malavika G., Shara Raj, Hari Prasad P.M., Zeena S. Pillai " An overview on the pharmacological activ ...

A Novel Approach for Detection and Elimination of Automorphic Graphs in Graph Databases

Citation : Ramasamy, V., Nadarajan, R., Thilaga, M., Nirmala, P. “A Novel Approach for Detection and Eliminat ...

Publisher :The European Digital Mathematics Library

FPGraphMiner – A Fast Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm for Network Graphs

Citation : Ramasamy, V., Nadarajan, R., Thilaga, M., Nirmala, P. FPGraphMiner - A Fast Frequent Pattern Mining ...

Publisher :Brown University

A Divisive Clustering Algorithm for Performance Monitoring of Large Networks using Maximum Common Subgraphs

Citation : Ramasamy, Vijayalakshmi & Nadarajan, R. & Parisutham, Nirmala & Thilaga, M.. (2011). A Divisive Clus ...

Publisher :Centre for Environment & Socio-Economic Research Publications

Performance monitoring of large communication networks using maximum common subgraphs

Citation : Ramasamy, Vijayalakshmi & Nadarajan, R. & Parisutham, Nirmala & Thilaga, M.. (2011). Performance mon ...

Computational Techniques for Characterizing Cognition using EEG – New Approaches

Citation : Nandagopal, D., Ramasamy, V., Cocks, B., Dahal, N., Dasari, N., Thilaga, M. Computational Technique ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Change Detection & Visualization of Functional Brain Networks using EEG Data

Citation : Ramasamy, V., Dasari, N., Nandagopal D., Subhiksha, R., Cocks, B., Dahal, N., Thilaga, M. Change De ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Brain strain: how much is too much?

Citation : Cocks, B., Nandagopal, D., Ramasamy, V., Thilaga M, Dasari N, Dahal N. Brain Strain: How much is too ...

Publisher :American Psychological Association

A heuristic branch-and-bound based thresholding algorithm for unveiling cognitive activity from EEG data

Citation : M. Thilaga, R. Vijayalakshmi, R. Nadarajan, D. Nandagopal, B. Cocks, C. Archana, N. Dahal, "A heuris ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Minimum connected component – A novel approach to detection of cognitive load induced changes in functional brain networks

Citation : R. Vijayalakshmi, D. Nandagopal, N. Dasari, B. Cocks, N. Dahal, M. Thilaga, Minimum connected compon ...

Publisher :Elsevier

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