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An Approach for the Assessment of India as a Global Oil & Gas R&D Destination

Citation : Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Gupta, P. T. R., and V., S., “An Approach for the Assessment of India as a ...

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology , Elsevier Publication

The World of Das & Roy from Children’s Perspective

Publisher :International Conference on Post Modernism and Indian English Literature, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune

Multi robot exploration and mapping using frontier cell concept

Citation : Rajesh M, Jose, G. R., and B., S. T. S., “Multi robot exploration and mapping using frontier cell ...

Publisher :2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), IEEE,

Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from ethanol using RF-CCVD and Fe-Mo catalyst

Citation : S. Ramakrishnan, J, J. E., Rangarajan, Ma, and Kothurkar N, “Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from et ...

Publisher :6th International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials

Model-Based Composition Control of Binary Batch Distillation Column

Citation : M. V, M, S., J, S., R, S. S., and Dr. Murali Rangarajan, “Model-Based Composition Control of Binar ...

Publisher :COSMA

Actin-based motility propelled by molecular motors

Citation : S. Pramod Upadyayula and Rangarajan, M., “Actin-based motility propelled by molecular motors”, A ...

Publisher :Springer

A method to induce indicative functional dependencies for relational data model

Citation : S. Harikumar, R. Reethima, "A Method to Induce Indicative Functional Dependencies for Relational Dat ...

Publisher :Springer

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