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Life Profile of Vaikath Parameswaran Moothath, A Polymath

Citation : K. V. Priyada, Dr. Ramdas P. V., Haritha Chandran, and Dr. Leena P. Nair, “Life Profile of Vaikath ...

Publisher :Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Leveraging deep learning for anomaly detection in video surveillance

Citation : K. Kavikuil and Amudha J., “Leveraging deep learning for anomaly detection in video surveillance ...

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Learn quest – A virtual reality based system for training autistic kids

Citation : S. K. Vasudevan, Abhishek, S. N., Swathi, S., Lakshmi, A., and Anandaram, S., “Learn quest - A vir ...

Publisher :International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics

Latency reduction in ethernet open – Audio video bridging streams for automotive infotainment network

Citation : R. Varghese and Dr. Senthil Kumar M., “Latency Reduction in Ethernet Open - Audio Video Bridging S ...

Publisher :Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

Laminar burning velocity of n-butane/Hydrogen/Air mixtures at elevated temperatures

Citation : E. V. Jithin, Dinesh, K., Mohammad, A., and Dr. Ratna Kishore V., “Laminar Burning Velocity of n-b ...

Publisher :Energy, Elsevier Ltd

Knowledge transfer in non-profit organisations: A qualitative study

Citation : Dr. Saswat Barpannda and Mridula Thamatoor, “Knowledge Transfer in Non-profit Organisations: A Qua ...

Publisher :International Journal of Knowledge and Learning

Knowledge Regarding Lithium Therapy among Care Givers of Mentally Ill Patients

Citation : Sreejamol M. G., R., H. V., and P., V. Sheeja, “Knowledge Regarding Lithium Therapy among Care Giv ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Knowledge, attitude, and awareness of mothers toward emergency management of dental trauma in high literacy population

Citation : Resmy Nair, Parvathy Kumaran, Arun Mamachan Xavier, and Dr. Balagopal Varma R., “Knowledge, attitu ...

Publisher :J Int Oral Health

Knowledge and self-reported practice regarding mobility safety measures of patients among employees

Citation : Regina Antony, IR, A., Mohanan, A., and Pushkaran, B., “Knowledge and self-reported practice regar ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development

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