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Phytoecdysones & a new flavonol glycoside from Sesuvium portulacastrum Linn

Citation : A. Banerji and Chintalwar, G. J., “Phytoecdysones & a new flavonol glycoside from Sesuvium portula ...

Publisher :Indian journal of chemistry

Comment on "Management of clinically negative neck for the patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in the modern era" (Bar Ad V, Chalian A. Oral Oncol 2008;44:817-22)

Citation : K. Thankappan, “Comment on "Management of clinically negative neck for the patients with head and ...

Publisher :Oral Oncology

A pilot study to assess the feasibility of evaluation of markers of response to chemotherapy at one day & 21 days after first cycle of chemotherapy in carcinoma of breast: A prospective non-randomized observational study

Citation : Sa Sharma, Hiran, K. Rb, Pavithran, Kc, and Vijaykumar, D. Ka, “A pilot study to assess the feasib ...

Publisher :World Journal of Surgical Oncology

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