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In Vitro Bioactivity of Surface-Modified $beta$-Ti Alloy for Biomedical Applications

Publisher :Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Does Firmography Patterns Human Resource Practice? Evidence from Microfinance Industry of India.

Citation : Dr. Saswat Barpannda and Susmita Mukhopadhyay, “Does Firmography Patterns Human Resource Practice? ...

Performance Analysis of Hospitals in Kerala Using DEA Model

Citation : Dr. Saswat Barpannda and Neena Sreekumar, “Performance Analysis of Hospitals in Kerala Using DEA M ...

Does Service Sector Growth Explain Manufacturing Growth in India?

Citation : Sougata Ray, “Does Service Sector Growth Explain Manufacturing Growth in India?”, IUP Journal of ...

Publisher :IUP Journal of Applied Economics

The Chinese Whisper –”Do Employees Really Hear What Management Says?” – An Exploration into the Organizational Communication of Platform Sourcing Organizations

Citation : Anju Kamal and Dr. Rajiv Prasad, ““The Chinese whisper –"Do employees really hear what managem ...

Publisher :INDAM2020 Indian Academy of Management Sixth Biennial Conference

Indian Electricity Power Market (Iex, Kerala Region) Spot Price: Forecasting using ARIMA Model

Citation : Karthik C. Menon, Dileep G. Menon, and Remya Vivek Menon, “Indian Electricity Power Market (Iex, K ...

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.

Statistical Semantics in Context Space Amrita_CEN; Author Profiling

Publisher :Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum

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