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An empirical evaluation of temporal convolutional network for offensive text classification

Citation : S. Murali and Swapna, T. R., “An empirical evaluation of temporal convolutional network for offens ...

Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Embedding linguistic features in word embedding for preposition sense disambiguation in english—Malayalam machine translation context

Citation : B. Premjith, Dr. Soman K. P., Anand Kumar M., and Jyothi Ratnam D., “Embedding linguistic features ...

Publisher :Springer Verlag

e-Loyalty among millennials: Personal characteristics and social influences

Publisher :Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Electrospinning of Highly Porous yet Mechanically Functional Microfibrillar Scaffolds at the Human Scale for Ligament and Tendon Tissue Engineering

Citation : D. Olvera, Schipani, R., Binulal Nelson Sathy, and Kelly, D. J., “Electrospinning of Highly Porous ...

Publisher :Biomedical Materials

Electrical bistability and memory switching phenomenon in Cu 2 FeSnS 4 thin films: role of pn junction

Citation : Sreejith P Madhusudanan, Kallol Mohanta, Sudip K Batabyal, "Electrical bistability and memory switch ...

Publisher :Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

Efficient Real-Time Decision Making Using Streaming Data Analytics in IoT Environment

Citation : V. S., Dr. Bhagavathi Sivakumar P., and Anantha Narayanan V., “Efficient Real-Time Decision Making ...

Publisher :Springer, Singapore

Efficient Energy Utilization Control with Remote Network Access

Citation : Dakshit Chalagulla, Jeevanigi Jayateertha, Charishma Reddy Kudimi, Manitha P V, Mini Sujith“Effici ...

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc

An efficient design of 16 bit MAC unit using vedic mathematics

Citation : A. S. Krishna Vamsi and S. R. Ramesh, "An Efficient Design of 16 Bit MAC Unit using Vedic Mathematic ...

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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