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FPGA Based Real Time Bluetooth Communication for Tele health, Household Security and Industry Safety

Citation : Paramasivam C., Aravindhan, E., R. priya, H., Hema, M., and A. singh, C., “FPGA Based Real Time Bl ...

Publisher :Proceedings on International Conference on Modern Global Research in Engineering Technology (ICMGRET)

FPGA Based LED Cube to Assist Child Dyslexia

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ICCIC 2017

Formulation of a novel immediate release heterolithic buccal patch of aspirin

Citation :
J. Rajeev, Mukundan, S., Raj, K. S. Bimal, Dhanaja, V. P., Subburaj, T., and Dr. Kaladhar K ...

Publisher :Pharmainfo Publications

Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive buccal patch containing imipramine hydrochloride

Citation : C. Ramachandran, Nair, S. G., Kumar, G. S., and Dr. Vidya Viswanad, “Formulation and evaluation of ...

Publisher :International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial gels for the treatment of paronychia

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics

Formal analysis of a security protocol for e-passports based on rewrite theory specifications

Publisher :Journal of Information Security and Applications

Formability of Metal Foam Cored Sandwich Steel Sheets

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Formability of asphalt assisted adhesive bonded steel sheets

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

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