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Translation equivalence for english periphrastic causative constructions into hindi in the context of english to hindi machine translation system

Citation : Jyothi D. Ratnam, Dr. Soman K. P., Mol, T. K. Biji, and Priya, M. G., “Translation equivalence for ...

Publisher :Springer Verlag

Transistion Probabilities and ARL performance of Six Sigma zone control charts

Citation : Dr. Ravichandran J., “Transistion Probabilities and ARL performance of Six Sigma zone control char ...

Publisher :Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods

Tracking The Parrot’s Path: A Promulgation of Cultural Heritage

Citation : Dr. Anand S. and H., D., “Tracking The Parrot’s Path: A Promulgation of Cultural Heritage”, In ...

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

Towards establishing rainfall thresholds for a real-time landslide early warning system in Sikkim, India

Citation : Harilal, Geethu Thottungal, Dhanya Madhu, Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh, and Divya Pullarkatt. "Towards e ...

Publisher :Springer

Total Coloring Conjecture for Vertex, Edge and Neighborhood Corona Products of Graphs

Citation : R. Vignesh, J. Geetha, and Dr. Somasundaram K., “Total coloring conjecture for vertex, edge and ne ...

Publisher :Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications

Tool Condition Monitoring While Using Vegetable Based Cutting Fluids During Milling of Inconel 625

Citation : S. Shankar, T. Mohanraj, and Pramanik, A., “Tool Condition Monitoring While Using Vegetable Based ...

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Tool Condition Monitoring in the Milling Process with Vegetable based Cutting Fluids using Vibration Signatures

Citation : T. Mohanraj, Shankar, S., Rajasekar, R., Deivasigamani, R., and Arunkumar, P. Muthusamy, “Tool con ...

Publisher :Materials Testing, De Gruyter,

Thuvaraka Rasayana Regimen in Psoriasis Vulgaris – A Case Report

Citation :
K. K Kumar and James, C., “Thuvaraka Rasayana Regimen in Psoriasis Vulgaris - A Case Repo ...

Publisher :J Ayurveda Integr Med

Third Eye: Assistance for Reading Disability

Citation : Y. Navya, SriDevi, S., Akhila, P., Amudha J., and Jyotsna C, “Third Eye: Assistance for Reading Di ...

Publisher :International Conference on Soft Computing & Signal Processing, Springer Singapore,

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